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About PJM
PJM is an open-access non-profit international electronic journal issued by the Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine PPU Web . The journal publishes carefully refereed research papers in all mainstream branches of pure and applied mathematics. Publication is free of charge for all authors and their institutions. PJM is indexed by Scopus since 2020.
To be considered for the PJM, a paper has to be well written, original and not published or submitted, in whole or part, elsewhere. Well written survey articles of current interest by experts are also welcomed. Publication will be upon a positive recommendation from an expert in the main field of the paper. Manuscripts must be in clear, unambiguous and grammatically correct language.
All papers will be indexed in ZentralBlatt Math and selected papers will be indexed and reviewed by the American Math Reviews. PJM is indexed by Scopus since 2020.
All efforts shall be made so that PJM become indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge, Mathematical Reviews and other key abstracting services and indexing databases.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.