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Editor in Chief
Ayman Badawi
Department of MathematicsAmerican University of Sharjah, UAEEmail: abadawi@aus.eduArea of research: Commutative Ring Theory; Multiplicative Ideal Theory
Assistant to the editor-in-chief
Harikrishnan Panackal
Department of MathematicsManipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal, IndiaEmail: pkharikrishnans@gmail.comArea of research: Research Area: Functional Analysis, Operator theory, and Probabilistic Normed Spaces
IT Assistant
Islam Abu Dawod
IT AssistantPalestine Polytechnic University, PalestineEmail: webmaster@ppu.edu
Managing Editors
Thabet Abdeljawad
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaEmail: tabdeljawad@psu.edu.saArea of research: For articles on Fractional Calculus, Fixed Point Theory, and Fractional Differential Equations.
Zafar Ahsan
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)Email: zafar.ahsan@rediffmail.com
For articles in General Relativity, and Differential Geometry.
Department of MathematicsAligarh Muslim University, IndiaEmail: mashrafmath@gmail.comArea of research: For articles on Commutativity and Structure of Rings and Near-rings, Derivations on Rings, Near-rings, and Banach Algebras, Differential Identities in Rings and Algebras, and Linear Algebra.
Ali Hasan Ali
University of Basrah, IraqUniversity of Debrecen, HungaryEmail: ali.hasan@uobasrah.edu.iq, ali.hasan@science.unideb.huArea of research: For articles on mathematical analysis, real analysis, numerical analysis, iterative methods, and approximation theory.
Madeleine Al Tahan
Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, UAEEmail: altahan.madeleine@gmail.comArea of research: For articles on Hyperstructure theory, Fuzzy algebraic structures.
Ayman Badawi
Department of MathematicsAmerican University of Sharjah, UAEEmail: abadawi@aus.eduArea of research: Commutative Ring Theory; Multiplicative Ideal Theory
For articles in commutative algebra, linear algebra, number theory
Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh
BROCK UNIVERSITY, Saint Catharines, Ontario, CANADAEmail: hmechaie@brocku.caArea of research: Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Set-Valued Analysis, Fixed Point Theory, Optimization, Mathematical Economics, Game Theory
For articles in Fixed Point Theory.
Martin Bohner
Department of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri, U.S.AEmail: bohner@mst.eduArea of research: Hamiltonian Systems, Boundary Value Problems, Variational Analysis, Optimization, Oscillation, Matrix Analysis, Computational Mathematics, Sturm-Liouville Equations, Difference Equations, Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Positivity, Eigenvalue Problems, and Time Scales.
For articles in ordinary differential equations, difference equations, dynamic equations on time scales, and Math Biology.
T. Tamizh Chelvam
Department of MathematicsManonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, IndiaEmail: tamche59@gmail.comArea of research: generalized rings, algebraic graph theory, graphs from commutative rings, and graphs from groups.
For articles on graphs from rings, semigroups, modules, and near rings.
Ivan Gotchev
Department of Mathematical SciencesCentral Connecticut State University, USAEmail: GotchevI@mail.ccsu.eduArea of research: For articles on General Topology and its applications.
Jaganmohan J
Department of MathematicsBirla Institute of Technology (BITS), Hyderabad, IndiaEmail: jjaganmohanphd@gmail.comArea of research: nonlinear analysis, fractional calculus.
Thodoros Katsaounis
Crete University, Greece.Email: thodoros65@gmail.comArea of research: Numerical Analysis.
For articles in Numerical Analysis.
Nasreen Kausar
Department of MathematicsYildiz Technical University, Esenler 34220, Istanbul, TurkeyEmail: kausar.nasreen57@gmail.comArea of research: for articles in fuzzy mathematics, numerical analysis, and algebraic structure.
Mahmoud Ben Khalifa
Department of MathematicsUniversity of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAEEmail: mbenkhalifa@sharjah.ac.aeArea of research: Topology, Algebraic Topology.
For articles in Topology and Algebraic Topology.
V. Lokesha
Professor and ChairmanDepartment of Studies in MathematicsVijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Jnana Sagara Campus, Vinayaka Nagara, Ballari-583 105, IndiaEmail: v.lokesha@gmail.com
For articles on Graph Theory and Mathematical inequalities.
Christian Lomp
Department of MathematicsThe University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.Email: clomp@fc.up.ptArea of research: For articles on Non-Commutative Rings, Hopf algebras, and Quantum Groups.
Najib Mahdou
Faculty of Sciences and TechnologySidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah UniversityEmail: mahdou@hotmail.comArea of research: for articles in Commutative Algebra and Homological Algebra
Salim Messaoudi
Department of MathematicsUniversity of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.Email: smessaoudi@sharjah.ac.aeArea of research: Hyperbolic Systems and coupled parabolic-hyperbolic Systems (Wave Elasticity, Thermoelectricity, and Viscoelasticity.
For articles on Partial Differential Equations.
S. A. Mohiuddine
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaEmail: mohiuddine@gmail.comArea of research: For articles on Sequence Spaces, Convergence Methods and Applications, Matrix Transformation, Measures of Non-compactness and Its Application in Differential and Integral Equations, and Approximation Theory.
Mozibur Rahman Mozumder
Department of MathematicsAligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001, U.P., IndiaEmail: muzibamu81@gmail.comArea of research: Algebra (Ring Theory and Graph Theory).
For articles on groups.
Abhilash N
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram,Chennai-89, Tamilnadu, India.Email: abhilash18101994@gmail.com
For articles on Group Algebra and Representation Theory.
Harikrishnan Panackal
Email: pkharikrishnans@gmail.com
for articles in functional analysis, operator theory.
Manoj Kumar Patel
Department of Science and Humanities (Mathematics)National Institute of Technology Nagaland, Chumukedima-797103, Nagaland, IndiaEmail: mkpitb@gmail.comArea of research: Structures of Associative Rings and Modules.
For articles in noncommutative rings and coding theory.
Francesco Rania
Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, ItalyEmail: raniaf@unicz.itArea of research: For articles on Associative rings and algebras with additional structure, Derivations, Actions of Lie Algebra, Prime and semiprime rings.
Department of MathematicsUniversity of Jammu, IndiaEmail: sarika.16984@gmail.comArea of research: real analysis and complex analysis
Ambat Vijayakumar
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, IndiaEmail: vijay@cusat.ac.inArea of research: Graph Theory- Graph Spectra and Energy; Power Domination; Game Domination; Graph Operators and their Dynamics; History of Indian Mathematics.
For articles on graph theory, do not send him articles on graphs from rings, groups, or modules.
A new section is launched to publish pieces of exposition (covering mathematical issues in higher education, past figures of mathematics, and mathematical curiosities) and edited by Professor Peter Larcombe (The University of Derby, UK), p.j.larcombe@derby.ac.uk to whom submissions may be made.
Jawad Abuhlail
Department of Mathematics and StatisticsKing Fahd University of Petroleum & MineralsEmail: abuhlail@kfupm.edu.saArea of research: Hopf Algebras; Associative Algebra; Homological Algebra; Semirings.
Taher Abualrub
American University of Sharjah , UAEEmail: abualrub@aus.eduArea of research: Coding theory; Error-correcting coding; Codes from noncommutative algebra
T. Asir
Pondicherry University, IndiaEmail: asirjacob75@gmail.comArea of research: Algebraic graph theory
Abdelmejid Bayad
Université d'Évry Val d'Essonne,; Université Paris-Saclay; Département de mathématiques, LaMME, CNRS UMR 8071, FranceEmail: abayad@maths.univ-evry.fr; abdelmejid.bayad@univ-evry.frArea of research: Number theory; modular forms; special values of L-functions and zeta-functions; cryptography and elliptic curves
Azmy S. Ackleh
Dean of the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences and Professor Applied MathematicsUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteEmail: ackleh@louisiana.eduArea of research: Mathematical Biology and Ecology
Ziyad Al-Sharawi
Department of Math & StatisticsAmerican Univeristy of SharjahEmail: zsharawi@aus.eduArea of research: Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Geeta Arora
Dept. of Mathematics. School of Chemical Engineering and Physical SciencesLovely Professional University, IndiaEmail: geetadma@gmail.comArea of research: Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Collocation methods, Differential Quadrature Techniques, Wavelets, Radial Basis functions
Stephen Baigent
Department of MathematicsUniversity College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BTEmail: s.baigent@ucl.ac.ukArea of research: Invariant manifolds for Kolmogorov and Lokta-Volterra equation; Curvature of Invariant Manifolds; Evolutionary Game Theory; Global stability for ecological systems; Ecological modelling; The intermediate disturbance hypothesis; Coexistence and Permanence; Monotone dynamical systems; Quasilinkage Equilibrium in Genetics; Modelling Liver Physiology
Sofiane Bouarroudj
New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAEEmail: sofiane.bouarroudj@nyu.eduArea of research: Lie (super)algebras and their representations, Mathematical Physics
Kinkar Ch. Das
Department of MathematicsSungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of South Korea.Email: kinkardas2003@googlemail.com, kinkardas2003@gmail.comArea of research: Spectral Graph Theory, Topological Indices of Graphs
Simon Donaldson
Imperial College, London, UKEmail: s.donaldson@imperial.ac.ukArea of research: Differential geometry, Several complex variables and analytic spaces, Global analysis, analysis on manifolds.
Hemen Dutta
Gauhati University, Mathematics Department, Guwahati-781014, IndiaEmail: hemendutta@gmail.comArea of research: Function Spaces, Operator Theory, Functional Equations, Mathematical Modelling.
Jerzy Dydak
Department of MathematicsUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USAEmail: jdydak@utk.eduArea of research: Topology, Geometry (in particular, Coarse Geometry)
Ivar Ekeland
University of British Columbia, CanadaEmail: ekeland@math.ubc.caArea of research: Mathematical Economics and Finance; Convex and Non-linear Analysis; Control Theory; Hamiltonian Mechanics; Symplectic Geometry.
Ovidius University of Constanta, RomaniaEmail: cflaut@univ-ovidius.roArea of research: Nonassociative algebras, Graph algorithms
Svetlin Georgiev
Honorary Professor of MathematicsSorbonne University, Paris, FranceEmail: svetlingeorgiev1@gmail.comArea of research: Harmonic analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, Clifford and quaternion analysis, integral equations, and dynamic calculus on time scales.
Francisco Martinez Gonzalez
Department of Applied Mathematics and StatisticsUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagena, SpainEmail: f.martinez@upct.esArea of research: Applied Mathematics, Fractional Calculus
Hitoshi Ishii
Tsuda University, JapanEmail: hitoshi.ishii@waseda.jpArea of research: Non-linear PDEs, optimal control, differential games.
Surender Kumar Jain
Ohio University, USAEmail: jain@ohio.eduArea of research: Ring Theory and its Applications.
Mohammed K. A. Kaabar
Chinese Institute of Electric PowerSamarkand International University of Technology, Samarkand 140100, UzbekistanEmail: mohammedkaabar@gmail.comArea of research: Fractional Calculus.
For articles in Fractional Calculus.
Mohamed Amine Khamsi
Department of MathematicsKhalifa University, UAEEmail: mohamed.khamsi@ku.ac.aeArea of research: nonlinear functional analysis, the fixed point theory and metric spaces.
Fuad Kittaneh
Jordan University, JordanEmail: fkitt@ju.edu.joArea of research: Linear and Multilinear Algebra; Operator Theory; Functions of a Complex Variable
John D. LaGrange
School of Mathematics and Sciences,Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY, USAEmail: lagrangej@lindsey.eduArea of research: Graphs from rings and groups
University of Virginia, USAEmail: il2v@virginia.eduArea of research: Applied Mathematics; Partial Differential Equations and Related Control Theory; Numerical Analysis; Optimization Theory.
Robert S. MacKay
Mathematics InstituteUniversity of Warwick, UKEmail: R.S.MacKay@warwick.ac.ukArea of research: Dynamical systems theory and applications, Complexity Science.
Shaher Momani
The University of Jordan, JordanEmail: s.momani@ju.edu.joArea of research: Mathematical modeling. Fractional Dynamical Systems. Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations of fractional order. Theory of fractional differential equations and integral equations. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. Stability of fractional linear systems. Fractional Order Modeling and Control in Biomedical Engineering. Variational inequalities and obstacle problems. Mathematical biology. Mathematical physics.
Hussein Mourtada
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche; Université Paris Cité, FranceEmail: hussein.mourtada@imj-prg.frArea of research: Singularity theory; Algebraic Geometry; Integer Partitions.
Abdelrahim S Mousa
Birzeit University, West Bank, PalestineEmail: asaid@birzeit.eduArea of research: Game Theory; Dynamical Systems: Hamiltonian Dynamics; Stochastic Optimal Control: Dynamic Programming
Alberto Adrego Pinto
University of Porto, PortugalEmail: aapinto1@gmail.comArea of research: Game Theory, Dynamical Systems.
Sunil Dutt Purohit
Department of HEAS (Mathematics)Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. IndiaEmail: sunil_a_purohit@yahoo.comArea of research: Special Functions, Fractional Calculus and Its Applications, q-Series, q-calculus, Geometric Function Theory, and Mathematical Modelling.
Naji Qatanani
Department of MathematicsAn-Najah National University Nablus, PalestineEmail: nqatanani@najah.eduArea of research: Integral Equations, Mathematical Physics, Control Theory, Numerical Methods.
Ravinder Krishna Raina
College of Technology and EngineeringM.P. Univ. of Agriculture and Technology Rajasthan, INDIAEmail: rkraina_7@hotmail.comArea of research: Special functions, Integral Transforms, Fractional Calculus, Geometric Function Theory (Complex Analysis).
Fathalla Ali Rihan
Department of Mathematical SciencesUnited Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAEEmail: frihan@uaeu.ac.aeArea of research: Numerical analysis; Mathematical biology; Delay Differential equations with applications.
Ebrahim Salehi
Department of Mathematical SciencesUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USAEmail: ebrahim.salehi@unlv.eduArea of research: Graph Theory
Mohammad Saleh
Department Of MathematicsBirzeit University, PalestineEmail: msaleh@birzeit.eduArea of research: Ring Theory
Ekrem Savas
Provost of Usak University, TurkeyEmail: ekremsavas@yahoo.comArea of research: Summability Theory and Functional Analysis
Anurag Shukla
Department of Applied Sciences (Mathematics)Rajkiya Engineering College Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh-209732, IndiaEmail: anurag@reck.ac.inArea of research: Mathematical Control Theory, Differential Equations, Fractional Calculus, and Dynamical Systems.
Said najati Sidki
Department of MathematicsUniversidade de Brasilia, BrazilEmail: ssidki@gmail.comArea of research: Group Theory
Sivaramakrishnan Sivasubramanian
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Powai, Mumbai, IndiaEmail: krishnan@math.iitb.ac.inArea of research: Algebraic Graph Theory
Hari Mohan Srivastava
Department of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4, CanadaEmail: harimsri@math.uvic.caArea of research: Real and Complex Analysis, Fractional Calculus and Its Applications, Integral Equations and Transforms, Higher Transcendental Functions and Their Applications, q-Series and q-Polynomials, Analytic Number Theory, Analytic and Geometric Inequalities, Probability and Statistics, Inventory Modelling and Optimization.
Sabrina Streipert
University of Pittsburgh, USAEmail: sas887@pitt.eduArea of research: Mathematical biology, differential and difference equations.
Zhi-Wei Sun
Department of MathematicsNanjing University, Nanjing, People's Republic of ChinaEmail: zwsun@nju.edu.cnArea of research: Number Theory and Combinatorics
Nouressadat Touafek
Department of Mathematics and LMAM LaboratoryMohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel, AlgeriaEmail: ntouafek@gmail.comArea of research: Difference equations and related topics.
Amjad Tuffaha
Department of Mathematics & StatisticsAmerican University of Sharjah, UAEEmail: atufaha@aus.eduArea of research: partial differential equations, optimal control and mathematical fluid dynamics.
Cemil Tunç
Department of MathematicsYuzuncu Yil UniversityEmail: cemtunc@yahoo.comArea of research: Ordinary and Functional Differential and Integral Equations
Siraj Uddin
Department of MathematicsJamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, IndiaEmail: siraj.uddin@jmi.ac.in ; siraj.ch@gmail.comArea of research: Differential Geometry; Geometry and topology
Department of MathematicsPurdue University, USAEmail: ulrich@math.purdue.eduArea of research: Commutative rings and algebras
Abdul-Majid Wazwaz
Department of MathematicsSaint Xavier University Chicago, IL, USAEmail: wazwaz@sxu.eduArea of research: Partial Differential Equations and Solitary Waves Theory.
Robert Wisbauer
University of Düsseldorf, GermanyEmail: wisbauer@math.uni-duesseldorf.deArea of research: Rings and Modules; Corings and Comodules
Siamak Yassemi
University of Tehran and IPMEmail: siamak.yassemi@gmail.comArea of research: Homological and combinatorial methods in Commutative algebra
Mohamed Yousif
Ohio State University, USAEmail: myousif@math.ohio-state.eduArea of research: Injective and Continuous Rings and Modules; Pseudo-and Quasi-Frobenius Rings and generalizations; Theory of Rings and Modules
Kewen Zhao
Department of MathematicsUniversity of Qiongzhou, , Sanya, 572022, P.R.China.Email: kewen@zhao.net.cnArea of research: Graph Theory, Computational Biology, Wireless Networking, Computational Matrix Theory.